Fairview Primitive
Baptist Church
Paducah, TX
Intersection: 16th St & Gober St
Address: 1600 Gober St, Paducah, TX  79248
Phone:  (940) 937-6142
Worship Times
10:30 AM to Noon
1st Sunday: Visit sister churches of like faith and order
2nd Sunday: Elder Stephen Porter
3rd Sunday: Visit sister churches of like faith and order
4th Sunday: Elder Stephen Porter
5th Sunday: Visit sister churches of like faith and order
Come Worship With Us
Our building is located two blocks south of Allsup’s convenience store at the corner of 16th Street and Gober Street.
We trust you will find our worship in harmony with that established by Jesus and His apostles.  We sing a cappella hymns, pray to our Father, and sit under the preaching of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.